Resources — A Path Through


Have you experienced a medication error or adverse event trauma? If so, there is help. Below are some suggestions for possible healing. Not every tool will work for every nurse, but you are worth giving these ideas a try.

Trieber and Jones say: One of the most common themes we found was the level of devastating emotion associated with making a medication error. It is understandable that one would feel sick when making a serious error. However, we found that nurses’ minor errors similarly resulted in raw, painful emotions. We identified strong emotional reactions in accounts of errors made recently as well those made years—sometimes decades—before. Nurses described a visceral response at the moment of realization that a medication error had been made. These responses were what they recalled in conjunction with the act, no matter how minor the error and no matter how long ago. (2010, p1334)

Plews-Ogan, M., Owens, J. & May, N. (2012). Choosing Wisdom: Strategies and inspiration for growing through life-changing difficulties. West Conshohocken: Templeton.

Trieber, L. & Jones, J. (2010) Devastatingly human: An analysis of registered nurses’ medication error accounts. Qualitative Health Research 20(10) 1327-1342. doi: 10.1177/1049732310372228

Wu, A. W. (2000). Medical error: The second victim. The doctor who makes the mistake needs help too. British Medical Journal, 320, 726–727.

Healing Music

Japanese Bowl (Peter Mayer)

Another Train (The Poozies)